Herping in Germany

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Herping in Germany

Postby Jordi Janssen » Sun Jun 08, 2014 12:04 pm

With the long pentecost weekend ahead and the local weather expected to reach tropical temperatures, a friend of mine and I decided to do a short day trip to Germany for some herping. This was on Thursday around midnight, the next morning at 5 AM we drove off to Germany.
We visited a location not that far from the German/Dutch border which I visited a couple times over the last decade. Our main goal for the trip was to find fire salamanders, however, we could find dozens of them in a single morning a decade ago, numbers have been going down ever since. This was also the case this time. Amphibian numbers were very low with just single specimens of each species and we missed out on the Crested Newt. Nonetheless it wasn't a bad day with 2 lizard species, 5 amphibian species, lots of orchids, dragonflies and butterflies.

Salamandra salamandra

Mesotriton alpestris

What do you guys make of this one? I wasn't really sure if it was L.helveticus or L.vulgaris.

One of the orchids (Bee orchid)
Jordi Janssen
Posts: 4
Joined: Tue Jun 03, 2014 1:30 pm
Hometown: Wageningen
country: Netherlands

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