A great but unlucky fieldtrip (22-23 may 2010)

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A great but unlucky fieldtrip (22-23 may 2010)

Postby Mikkel Frederiksen » Mon May 24, 2010 3:32 pm

Fieldtrip, weekend 22-23 May 2010
Here are my pictures from this weekend. A trip which was marked by many small (and large) incident on the way, but still a lot of field herping.

For starters; I mixed up some shedueles with public transport so I had to walk five kilometers through a boring residential erea to retrieve my car, (07-AM in the morning). When I finally retrieved the car the weather was becomming cloudy and bad (at 10:00). We had to wait several hours before the clouds had disappeared so it was worth to go out into the field, but eventually the weather became quite well.

We visited a few different areas in Odsherred Zealand. Unfortunately, we had no luck with us, especially with the snake. Actually we found very few snakes and vipers, despite a long search. So my thread today contains no "special" species or the like. But it was a super nice trip/trips anyway. We found, Natrix natrix, Vipera berus, Lacerta agilis, Anguis fragilis, Lissotriton cristatus and Rana temporaria. We also found a leech, which I enjoyed very much - I have not seen a leech since I was a child. (I can say that especially slow worms were abundant numbers, I found many, over 30+ in approx. 60 min. spend over two days).

So it was a rather unlucky fieldtrip, it is long time since I found so little - but I also had an accident which destroyed our planning:
Despite my eternal refuse to the possibility that it could ever happen; I was bitten in the hand by a Vipera berus. A story I am not proud of, but it happened accidentally. So I chose to write a little "Raport" about the bite. Perhabs somebuddy can use the knowledge for something? Images from the bite can be found below this post. It was proberly only a "small" reaction I had/have.

The fieldtrip:

Anguis fragilis

Anguis fragilis

Anguis fragilis

Anguis fragilis

Anguis fragilis

Anguis fragilis

Anguis fragilis

Anguis fragilis, this speciment was laying in the grass badly mauled, apperently it recently lost its tail and had a lot of wounds after a battle (possibly with a bird?)

Anguis fragilis - Big female

Anguis fragilis

Anguis fragilis

Anguis fragilis

Anguis fragilis

Anguis fragilis, dead and rotten speciment

Bufo bufo

Bufo bufo

Some kind of fly?

Some kind of leech (Haemopis sanguisuga??)

Some kind of leech (Haemopis sanguisuga??)

Some kind of leech igle (Haemopis sanguisuga??)

Some kind of leech (Haemopis sanguisuga??)

Lacerta agilis

Lacerta agilis

Lacerta agilis

Lacerta agilis

Lacerta agilis

Lacerta agilis

Lacerta agilis

Lacerta agilis

Lacerta agilis

Lacerta agilis

Lacerta agilis

Lacerta agilis

Lacerta agilis

Triturus cristatus

Triturus cristatus

Natrix natrix & Lacerta agilis, (great motive but unfortunatly i did not mannage to get more pictures before the Natrix disapeared).

Natrix natrix

Natrix natrix

Natrix natrix

Natrix natrix

Natrix natrix

Natrix natrix, dead speciment with broken back - it looked like somebody stepped on it.

Natrix natrix, same dead speciment - closeup.

Rana temporaria

Rana temporaria

Rana temporaria

Fulica atra

The nature:







Bitten by a vipera berus. 23/05-2010

Today the thing that must not happen, happened. We had been out looking for snakes, (and other reptiles), for a long time but we found almost nothing. The bad weather irritated me a bit, so when my herping-buddy Christian spotted a large Natrix natrix in a rock pile, consisting of aprox. 15 very large stones, I was quick to photograph. Unfortunately the grass snake saw my movement and dissapeared. Stupid as I was I tried to lay down and stare into cracks between the stones. I thought I could see it through the pile. But when I put my hand down to find grip, I put the placed it right just across a small viper (brown female. 30cm - young speciment). In a split of a second I was bitten between my thumb and long finger.
When I saw the bitemark I realized I had been bitten. It was a accident, nothing else .. but it was a crabby accident! After I had been bitten, I took it quite easy. I had absolutely no desire to finish my started trip, so we chose to wait and continue the search. The actual bite I could not feel, it felt like a small snake, it was not bad as some might imagine.

Pictures for documentation can be found below.
Sorry for the Danish text on the pictures!

It only drew a small amount of blood, I only found a single bitehole.

This is how it looked after 5-7 minutes, my skin had begon to swell around the bite mark. I could feel a gentle but sharp pain deep in my hand.

The pain disappeared and it started to tingle a little in my hand instead. Otherwise, I thought no more about it. My skin started to get a bit white/pale around the bite.

After. 10 minutter it started to hurt again. The swelling of the bite mark had increased further.

After approximately 25 minutes my entire hand, including my fingers begon to swell tremendously.

After 47 min. my wrist was swollen, you could see it spread up the arm with approximately 5-10 cm/pr 15min. At that time my hand had become almost twice as large as the other, it was totally impossible for me to bend my fingers. Now my arm started to get a bit sore and my skin was getting very sensitive on both my arm and hand. (But it was actually not that bad and I could easily endure the swelling).

Two hours after, my hand began to sweat heavily from the palm and back of the hand. I could not really move my fingers and we began to think about if it perhaps was best to visit the hospital?

17.56 PM - Two and a halv hour after the bite we chose to visit the doctor.

I got a some antihistamins and corticosteroids for two days. Otherwise i got no further treatment at the doctor. He did however measure my blood pressure, (which was fine).

As we sat in the waiting room the swelling had moved 5-10 cm down the arm. When we came out from the doctor 15 minutes later, the swelling had moved as far as to the elbow. The swelling effect spread around. 15 cm in less than an hour.

22-22:30 PM. (7 hours efter the bite - it seemed as if the swelling had stopped spreading)

My wrist was swelled as well.

My evaluation of this particullar bite is: Since i was only suffering the bite from a single tooth, and since it was a small juvenile it can still make a terrific swelling and a minor form of pain, probably because of swelling? (In my case). I know all people react differently, so it is not something to joke about. When you consider how small the viper was. I could imagine an adult idivid could do some damage. I will now take precautions next time so this does not happen agian. So I hope you will see this as an "educational" threath, rather than debating whether it is foolish to be bitten, because i know it's stupid . But it was, as I say, accidentally. So I try to get the best out of it any way.

Update 24 maj 2010
When i woke up the following morning my hand was precisely as swollen as shown on the last pictures, but now I can move my fingers agian. My skin is very sensitive to touching. Otherwise everything is fine.
Greetings Mikkel Frederiksen - Denmark
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Re: A great but unlucky fieldtrip (22-23 may 2010)

Postby Mario Schweiger » Mon May 24, 2010 4:10 pm

Sorry for the bite, but things like this may happen!
Never grip into a hole, under rocks, etc. you dont see whats below.
Believe me, I´m writing in own experience twice!

2nd: Crested newts are Triturus carnifex, etc, only the small ones of vulgaris and helveticus are Lissotriton, the Alpine newt is now Ichtyosaura alpestris!

PS: May I use your get bitten pictures for a powerpoint presentation on Austrian snakes?
Would be very interesting!

Mario (Admin)

Please visit also my personal Herp-site vipersgarden.at
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Re: A great but unlucky fieldtrip (22-23 may 2010)

Postby Mikkel Frederiksen » Mon May 24, 2010 4:24 pm

Mario Schweiger wrote:Sorry for the bite, but things like this may happen!
Never grip into a hole, under rocks, etc. you dont see whats below.
Believe me, I´m writing in own experience twice!

2nd: Crested newts are Triturus carnifex, etc, only the small ones of vulgaris and helveticus are Lissotriton, the Alpine newt is now Ichtyosaura alpestris!
yes i know, spelling mistake :roll:

Mario Schweiger wrote:PS: May I use your get bitten pictures for a powerpoint presentation on Austrian snakes?
Would be very interesting!

Yes, of course, i dont mind. I have a great deal of bite pictures from yesterday that you can have if you want.
Greetings Mikkel Frederiksen - Denmark
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Re: A great but unlucky fieldtrip (22-23 may 2010)

Postby Andre Schmid » Mon May 24, 2010 5:39 pm

Interesting report with nice pictures. Especially the bite report is very interesting, thanks for sharing and get well soon !
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Re: A great but unlucky fieldtrip (22-23 may 2010)

Postby Francesco Tri » Mon May 24, 2010 5:43 pm

All's well that ends well! Thanks for sharing
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Re: A great but unlucky fieldtrip (22-23 may 2010)

Postby Ilian Velikov » Mon May 24, 2010 6:20 pm

Interesting report,indeed! This could happen to any one, so I hope you'll get better soon and that this will be a lesson to all of us!
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Re: A great but unlucky fieldtrip (22-23 may 2010)

Postby Tom Hoogesteger » Mon May 24, 2010 7:38 pm

Very interesting report, thanks for sharing!
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Re: A great but unlucky fieldtrip (22-23 may 2010)

Postby Mikkel Frederiksen » Mon May 24, 2010 10:26 pm

Update: 21:40 pm - 33 hours after the bite.
Earlier the swelling of my arm had almost stopped and gone away. But now a sudden swelling in my elbow has just appeared.

A half hour ago my elbow began to swell and is now quite tender. I do not know why I get a second reaction so late? My elbow is now 4.3 cm wider (in diameter) than the other arm. A few hours ago there was almost nothing to see. I must admit I'm not good at keeping my arm in a calm-neutral position, perhaps that is why? I think its interesting that late reactions can occur.

Here is my newly-swollen elbow, it feels kind of stretched out:

Here are my hands, as you can see there is not much difference anymore, but I'm still sore in my entire arm and I can't see my veins:
Greetings Mikkel Frederiksen - Denmark
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Re: A great but unlucky fieldtrip (22-23 may 2010)

Postby Jürgen Gebhart » Tue May 25, 2010 8:23 am

I like the last 16 pics most!!! ;)
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Re: A great but unlucky fieldtrip (22-23 may 2010)

Postby Tony Palmer » Tue May 25, 2010 9:49 am

Interesting report and some very nice pictures too Mikkel!

I was told all V.berus bites (except dry bites) should be treated seriously with at least 2 days in hospital under observation, severe reactions to a bite can happen up to 18 hours after the bite leading to a sudden drop in blood pressure and shock!
I would be interested if anyone could confirm that’s right what I have just said because I’m not certain its true!! if it is though, its something we all should be aware of because accidents do happen.
The fact that the V. berus was small and used one fang was to your advantage but its impossible to quantify the concentration of venom that you may have received ? although It looks like your over the worst of it Mikkel…so thanks for sharing.

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