This drought is killing me !

Russia, Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus

This drought is killing me !

Postby Vlad Cioflec » Thu Aug 25, 2011 10:06 am

As if herping in the moldavian steppe wasn`t hard enough, this summer`s trip had to be done in a serious drought, with scorching midday temperatures, lakes dissapearing and the like... :roll:
But as you all know, herping in adverse conditions is better than no herping at all of course, so we went out anyway and enjoyed the local critters. :mrgreen:

We also kept an eye out for birds and although we recorded around eighty species, no real rarities were seen. The endangered Pallid Harrier was a sweet find though. ;)
Caspian Gulls & Little Egrets

Ana cre.JPG

Cir mac.JPG
Pallid Harier

Ath noc.JPG
Little Owl

Apart from a couple of fast or skittish Sand, Balkan Wall Lizards and Fire-bellied Toads we also ran into Grass Snakes, Green Toads, Marsh Frogs and Eastern Green Lizards.
lac vir.JPG
Lacerta viridis

Nat nat.JPG
Natrix natrix

Buf vir.JPG
Bufo viridis

Pel rid.JPG
Pelophylax ridibundus

I`ll leave you for now with two cute yet unidentified yellow spiders and if anything pops up till Saturday when we leave Moldavia i will post it here for sure.
Thanks for reading.
Cute spider
Spider.JPG (199.98 KiB) Viewed 6398 times

Cute spider no. 2

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Vlad Cioflec
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Re: This drought is killing me !

Postby Paul Lambourne » Thu Aug 25, 2011 11:23 am


Stop whinging about the sun..I have just come back from a three day rapid herp road trip where we had torrential rain in three countries :D (trip report to follow)
Pallid harrier awesome.. I need it on my list... its my last Euro harrier to see :D

Cheers Paul
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Paul Lambourne
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Re: This drought is killing me !

Postby Ilian Velikov » Thu Aug 25, 2011 6:04 pm

Vlad, I'm in Bulgaria at the moment and I now what you mean! It's f***ing crazy hot and dry (37-40C)! :? Surprisingly, I'm finding more amphibians than reptiles ! :?: I still have some days before I go back to the UK, so I hope the weather will change and that there will be a bit more reptiles!

Congrats on your findings, though! It looks like you have more luck than me! ;)
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Re: This drought is killing me !

Postby Ross Padilla » Sat Feb 04, 2012 7:50 am

Droughts suck. We had a bad one in 2007. Only got 3' that year and it only rained about 1/4" at a time, so everything pretty much dried up before it rained again. Nothing turned green that year, but there were still a few herps to be found.
Ross Padilla

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