Vammo by night in April...

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Re: Vammo by night in April...

Postby Mladen Zadravec » Fri Apr 24, 2015 12:46 am

@ miguel:
Yes, definitely a male. For all the already mentioned reasons + he showed his male bits. :)

@ Bero:
My project still continues. And they're fairly active there, also (Roman was there several days ago, he found a lot of them). I need to have at least 1+ field trips in April, and there's a very high chance I'll be busy with other field trips (job related) so I have to seize every opportunity I can get... but I'll see what I can do... ;)

And for Ljilja's movies, both are over 800 MB, and I came back from the field about an hour ago (this time only bugs, hehe... but a lot of new species for the location we visited). So lets just say I'm going to sleep now... :mrgreen:
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Mladen Zadravec
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Re: Vammo by night in April...

Postby Berislav Horvatic » Fri Apr 24, 2015 12:58 pm

Mladen Zadravec wrote:@ Bero:
My project still continues. And they're fairly active there, also (Roman was there several days ago, he found a lot of them).
I need to have at least 1+ field trips in April, and there's a very high chance I'll be busy with other field trips (job related)
so I have to seize every opportunity I can get... but I'll see what I can do... ;)

In the meantime I've already guessed that much myself... So, good luck regarding your Saturday fieldtrip dedicated to science
(and your forthcoming scientific publications - I certainly do support that!), but no, thanks, I've really become to old & lazy
for "shit" like that... Namely, that's what I do at my home institution, The Institute of Physics, to earn my daily bread, but on
weekends, I'd rather like an adventure, for change... “Because I’m worth it”... for sure I am. (Garniere? No, sorry, L'Oréal.)

@ the fieldherpers: Everything's OK, Mladen and I have reached an agreement: On Saturday he does his work (for his future
daily bread), and on Sunday we make a totally unscientific excursion, to visit a place where vammos are abundant & active,
but we don't have to measure them, monitor them, just enjoy their (hopefully massive) activities. Wish us luck!
Berislav Horvatic
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