Hello All

The admin would like to ask all our members to give a short introduction of themselves here - also please include a picture of yourself, so we will recognize you in the field.

Hello All

Postby Thomas Brown » Wed May 29, 2013 5:37 pm


I'm a zoologist by education and a sometime ecologist by trade that's recently returned to the UK with a new found interest in herps.

I've been involved in marine mammal research & conservation for about 10 years, but during a recent return to living in Hong Kong a friend with a passion for amphibians visited and after a night of looking for frogs it sparked a new passion for me. For such a small and very crowded spot, Hong Kong has a pretty decent herp biodiversity and I began conducting my own mini research into it's amphibians (23 of them) and in the process of that met some great 'snake' guys who expanded my knowledge of snake watching significantly. Since then I've done a few short herp holiday focussed trips in Asia and Cuba and on returning to the UK I've tried to get out and about seeing our local species as much as I can.

I post all my decent shots to Flickr (if anyone has an interest I can post a link), but with so much of my background in conservation I aim to create as little disturbance as possible and nearly all my shots are in situ (I really only handle if I think the animals should be moved for safety).

I try not to get 'lists' of animals to check off, but I am loving the places this hobby is now looking like it might take me and the new way I am thinking about travel.
Thomas Brown
Posts: 6
Joined: Sat May 25, 2013 5:04 pm
Hometown: London
country: England

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