Northern Bulgaria

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Northern Bulgaria

Postby Vlad Cioflec » Tue Jun 09, 2009 8:14 am

I spent this weekend fieldherping in Rusenski Lom Nature Park, close to the town of Rousse. It`s a big and very beautiful place and next time i`m sure gonna need more than a couple of days to see all the cool stuff it has to offer.


This weekend wasn`t designed to be a herp trip, but more of a family cultural vacation, with birdwatching, sightseeing and such...
So i did not have any herping equipment at all, and wouldn`t you know it, the herps were out in great numbers. :lol:

I saw some cool things, but could not photograph all of them... :cry:


There were lots of lacertids running around, mostly Green Lizards and Wall Lizards with a few Balkan Wall Lizards here and there.

P. muralis.JPG

L. viridis.JPG

If` you`re into birding, this is a great place for it. We tagged some neat lifers such as Alpine Swifts, Red-rumped Swallows and Egyptian vultures.

H. daurica.JPG

Always happy to stumble upon a Hermann's Tortoise:

T. hermanni.JPG

I kinda missed our crazy cat and came close to adopting this one home as well:

Cute cats.JPG

Ok, now let`s move on to the snakes. On our morning and evening walks around the village we encountered Grass Snakes, Large Whip Snake, Blotched Snake 8-) and Nose-horned Vipers. But only had the opportunity to take a pic of the viper... :roll:

V. ammodytes.JPG

V ammodytes.JPG

Here`s the complete list of what was seen:

Epidalea viridis
Pelophylax ridibundus
Testudo hermanni
Lacerta viridis
Podarcis muralis
Podarcis tauricus
Anguis fragilis
Dolichophis caspius
Elaphe sauromates - Lifer :D
Natrix natrix
Vipera ammodytes

Moral of the story: Always stash some fieldherping tools in the backpack. ;)

Happy herping!
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Vlad Cioflec
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Re: Northern Bulgaria

Postby Ilian Velikov » Tue Jun 09, 2009 8:48 am

Haha,congratulations for the trip Vlad! :D So,you saw that E.sauromaets you "didn't dare to dream of"! Pitty you couldn't photograph it! Was it big?
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Re: Northern Bulgaria

Postby Vlad Cioflec » Tue Jun 09, 2009 9:35 am

Oh man, the sauromates was *@#$%& huge !!! :shock: A real monster. I`ve seen some big snakes in my life but this one really takes the cake! :)
It disappeared into some dense and nasty stinging nettle, and as i was browsing around cursing the evil poisonous plants i saw it retreating into a hole at the base of a tree. :(

As you can imagine, i almost cried. ;)

E.sauromates - 1, Vlad - 0.
For now... 8-)
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Vlad Cioflec
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Re: Northern Bulgaria

Postby Ilian Velikov » Fri Jun 12, 2009 12:44 pm

Yeah, it's painful when you see an animal you wanted to see for a long time, slipping away before you even know what's happening! But..well that's herping! ;) Otherwise it woul'd be boring!..Wish you more luck next time, neighbour! I'm sure you'll meet the beast again! ;) Take care!
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Re: Northern Bulgaria

Postby Jürgen Gebhart » Tue Jun 30, 2009 8:09 am

Nice shots!!! The pic of the relaxing green lizards is cool!!
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